
Accepting User Input with Args

To accept basic arguments from the command line, we can use sys.argv. Start a new Python file called and enter the following.

import sys

args = sys.argv


Then, run it from the command line:

(env) $ python
Here's what you should have seen on your command line:

You should see a list with one item: the name of your program. Pass in additional arguments by adding them after your program name on the command line, separated by spaces:

(env) $ python argument1 argument2 "hello world"
Here's what you should have seen on your command line:

Note that the name of the file you’re running is rarely useful, so it’s common to see this omitted with using slices, for example sys.argv[1:]

Accepting User Input with input

You can also accept user data inside a running program by using input(). Let’s make a simple interactive command line program that asks for a user’s name and birthday. Call it Use input() to get the user’s name and birthday, and greet the user (call strip() on their name to remove any extra whitespace).

You should have written something like this:
Here's what you should have seen on your command line:

Optional Advanced Exercise

If you thought this exercise was a breeze, try this optional advanced exercises.

Refactor the final exercise from Intro to Python, using custom exceptions and a class to store the information about a GitHub Repo. Accept the list of languages as user input.

You can see an example implementation in the repo for this course at