
Tuples are light-weight collections used to keep track of related, but different items. Tuples are immutable, meaning that once a tuple has been created, the items in it can’t change.

You might ask, why tuples when Python already has lists? Tuples are different in a few ways. While lists are generally used to store collections of similar items together, tuples, by contrast, can be used to contain a snapshot of data. They can’t be continually changed, added or removed from like you could with a list.

tuple cheat sheet

type tuple
use Used for storing a snapshot of related items when we don’t plan on modifying, adding, or removing data.
creation () or tuple() for empty tuple. (1, ) for one item, or (1, 2, 3) for a tuple with items.
search methods my_tuple.index(item) or item in my_tuple
search speed Searching for an item in a large tuple is slow. Each item must be checked.
common methods Can’t add or remove from tuples.
order preserved? Yes. Items can be accessed by index.
mutable? No
in-place sortable? No


A good use of a tuple might be for storing the information for a row in a spreadsheet. That data is information only. We don’t necessarily care about updating or manipulating that data. We just want a read-only snapshot.

Tuples are an interesting and powerful datatype, and one of the more unique aspects of Python. Most other programming languages have ways of representing lists and dictionaries, but only a small subset contain tuples. Use them to your advantage.


Empty and one-item tuples

One important thing to note about tuples, is there’s a quirk to their creation. Let’s check the type of an empty tuple created with ().

>>> a = ()
>>> type(a)
<class 'tuple'>

That looks like we’d expect it to. What about if we tried to create a one-item tuple using the same syntax?

>>> b = (1)
>>> type(b)
<class 'int'>

It didn’t work! type((1)) is an integer. In order to create a one-item tuple, you’ll need to include a trailing comma.

>>> c = (1, )
>>> type(c)
<class 'tuple'>

If you’re creating a one-item tuple, you must include a trailing comma, like this: (1, )


Let’s say we have a spreadsheet of students, and we’d like to represent each row as a tuple.

>>> student = ("Marcy", 8, "History", 3.5)

Access by index

We can access items in the tuple by index, but we can’t change them.

>>> student = ("Marcy", 8, "History", 3.5)
>>> student[0]
>>> student[0] = "Bob"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

We’ll see TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment if we try to change the items in a tuple.

tuples also don’t have an append or extend method available on them like lists do, because they can’t be changed.

tuple unpacking.

Sounds like a lot of work for not a lot of benefit, right? Not so. tuples are great when you depend on your data staying unchanged. Because of this guarantee, we can use tuples in other types of containers like sets and dictionaries.

It’s also a great way to quickly consolidate information.

You can also use tuples for something called unpacking. Let’s see it in action:

>>> student = ("Marcy", 8, "History", 3.5)
>>> name, age, subject, grade = student
>>> name
>>> age
>>> subject
>>> grade

You can return tuples from functions, and use unpacking.

>>> def http_status_code():
...     return 200, "OK"
>>> code, value = http_status_code()
>>> code
>>> value